My worker shortage & other news

You know that worker shortage that we keep hearing about in the news? It happened to me! My longtime ranch worker ( of 10 years!!!) had to take an extended leave. She worked 30 hours a week for us, sooooooo that meant I had 30 hours of ranch work to do by myself! It took me a month of interviewing and now I have 2 new awesome ranch workers to fill in. They are now almost done with their training, and I am finally back to my full production schedule on my books. Thank goodness my authors are so understanding and patient. I love them!!!
So, I'm playing around with an album section for Gracie and The Radar Girls. We have so many cool photos from Gracie's life that we would like to include in the book. My grandma had many albums like this with the black matte paper and these little corners.
I'm almost ready to go to final art for Forever Young and Life Lessons. Even though I do a lot of planning and editing digitally, I like to draw roughs and do the final art in traditional materials. I will share some small snippets as I am painting finals.